e-newsletter - Dec 2008
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Campaign Newsletter - December 2008

Seasons Greetings from www.bringbacktheswanseacorkferry.com

"It's all gone very quiet....?"

Here at the Campaign there's no doubt what's at the top of our list for Santa Claus - and we know that all of you who have offered us your support over the past months would agree that a new ferry service linking Swansea and Cork would be the best Christmas present ever!

We had hoped to bring you this good news before Christmas - but it now looks as if we may have to wait until New Year.

Many of you have emailed to ask 'what's going on'.... unfortunately we are bound by commercial confidentiality and there's a limit to what we can tell you.

However - we are pleased to report that despite the apparent inactivity in recent months - there has been a tremendous amount of work going on 'under the radar' - and things are looking very promising for the restoration of the Swansea-Cork link in 2009.

At the moment there may be a small shortfall in funding - so if any of you know of suitable investors (and the business plan prepared by independant consultants for the Port of Cork makes very attractive reading in these uncertain times) then please contact us and we'll put
them in touch...

We are all weary of 'false dawns' - and want to make sure that the next service is going to be effective, reliable and long-term - so we know that you won't mind waiting a few more weeks to recieve a slightly-late Christmas present.

Once we have solid news to report - we promise that you will be the first to know.....

Something else positive!

Faced with the media's daily doom-mongering - there's only two things you could do.

The first option would be to place your head between your legs and kiss your business goodbye.....
....but we at the Campaign tend to be 'glass-half-full' types - so we were cheered this week to hear of a new initiatve from locally-based Irelands Web – www.irelandsweb.com – who have been making low-cost web sites for small local businesses for some time. They are as eager as the rest of us to promote West Cork and have been planning a new portfolio of directory web sites based around food, holidays and other services in this part of Ireland.

To celebrate the return of the Swansea Cork Ferry they have decided to launch these new online directories in 2009 and will be offering a special introductory deal for all of you who have been supporting the campaign!

More information in the next newsletter.

The Campaign continues..!

Meanwhile, if you know anybody who would like to add their support to our campaign (through the e-petition or the User Survey) then please forward this email to them. Your support over the past nine months has been vitally important in bringing the campaign this far - so a big 'thank you' to all of you.

Wishing you and your loved ones all the best for a 'ferry' Happy Christmas - and a peaceful New Year

Adrian & the team

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